Lopez Island Yacht Club
P.O. Box 22
Lopez Island, WA 98261 USA
Northern Inland Waters
Club Information
Melissa Rohde
Club Contact
Phone: Reciprocal Chair -Dusty Forster 425-891-5459
Email: dusty.forster@islandsmarinecenter.com
Local Area
Laundry: Yes
Restaurants: Yes
Local Marine Services
Name: Islands Marine Center
Phone: 360-468-3377
Pump-Out: Yes
Fuel: Yes
Haul-Out: Yes
VHF Channel: 72A
Chandlery: Yes
Other Information: Islands Marine Center has haul-out & marine service as well as marina slips that may be available if The Islander Resort is full.
Moorage is with: Resort
GPS: 48° 30.792' N    122° 54.951' W
Location: Slips assigned by Lopez Islander Resort & Marina
Dockage: 1 or 2 boats
Restricted Dates:
Boater's Contact: Resort Office / Owner Bill Diller
Contact Phone: 800-736-3434 / 360-468-2233
Time Limit: 1 slip May 16 thru Sept.31, 2 slips Oct. 1 thru May 15, 1 visit per boat per month. No reciprocity slips Memorial Day weekend, over the week of the 4th of July or Labor Day weekend.
Rafting: Allowed
Terms: Register at Marina - Call in advance to see what slips available. No reciprocal slips during summer holidays. 30A and 50A connections available.
Facility Comments: Pool, jacuzzi, and showers at Resort
Power: 30A,50A
WiFi: Yes
Water on dock: Yes
Restrooms Yes
Showers: Yes
Alternative Mooring Options: None
Alternative Mooring Notes: Non reciprocal additional moorage available at Islander Resort and Islands Marine Center.