Royal City Yacht Club
#302 4753 River Road West
Delta, BC V4K 1R9 Canada
Vancouver Area
BC  Canada
Club Information
Dave Mellis
Club Contact
Local Area
Laundry: No
Restaurants: Short dinghy ride to town Ladner on Fraser R. Visit Reifel Bird Sanctuary & historic Ladner. Shopping & liquor 1 - 2 miles away.
Transportation: Delta taxi 604-943-1111
Local Marine Services
Pump-Out: Yes
Fuel: Yes
Haul-Out: Yes
VHF Channel:
Chandlery: No
Other Information: No services at marina at this time other than what is ticked above, as the marina and area are undergoing redevelopment. Taxi is the best way to get into Ladner for shopping.
Moorage is with: Marina
GPS: 49° 06.869' N    123° 04.618 W
Location: South Arm of the Fraser River - 9 miles from ocean - On Deas Slough. In Delta - in community of Ladner.
Dockage: 100' - max vessel length 60'
Restricted Dates:
Boater's Contact: Marina Office - Dave
Contact Phone: 604-946-1244 (ext 0)
Time Limit: 24 hours - 2 days/year.
Rafting: Not Allowed
Terms: Call in advance. Dockside depth 10'.
Facility Comments: Phone available at marina office.
Power: 30A
WiFi: No
Water on dock: Yes
Restrooms No
Showers: No
Alternative Mooring Options: Anchorage
Alternative Mooring Notes: Contact reciprocal officer to check space availability.